Occasionally you get a request for resource planning support for an operation that you never expected and the first question is "Can you help?"
There's an old saying that I only partially agree with: "if you measure it, you can plan it", my partial disagreement is because the lack of measurement is due to the lack of need rather than ability. So if you want to plan something you now have the need to measure it.
Wakefield School Group reached out to us to seek help in understanding and resource planning their in house cleaning team across the buildings on their two sites. As with many such operations, it has been inhouse, outsourced and is now back inhouse, but knowing how many staff are required and when required clarity, confidence and governance.
We delivered them a flexible capacity plan that provides the insight they were seeking. Whilst doing this they were able to dig under the surface of what is happening and establish greater understanding and confidence to support decision making in to the future.